What are the Values of Your Work Team? Aug 31, 2017

What are the values of your work team/organization? Have you taken the time to take your group through the exercise of identifying values that you share and want to exemplify as a team?


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Do Your People Feel Psychologically Safe? Aug 24, 2017

We all know what the polls say—the majority of workers, some say up to 79%, are not engaged at work. About a quarter of those are so DIS-engaged they are actively working AGAINST their...

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Leaders ALWAYS Communicate Aug 16, 2017

Did you know that everything you do communicates something?

Especially as a leader, you are watched, studied, ruminated about, and copied. And judged. And I can’t name one workplace I have...

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Get the Results You Need Without Micro-managing Jun 27, 2017

So…your department or team has a big event coming up. It will be very visible to the organization, and possibly even to the public. You have assigned a person to be the lead organizer for...

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The Challenge of Being ā€˜Fairā€™ Jun 07, 2017

As a leader, what does it mean to be ‘FAIR’? You have a team of very different people, with different needs and different abilities, and, well, how can you be ‘FAIR’ to all...

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Leaders Have Clear Expectations For Their Team May 24, 2017

I recently asked a friend about his new job. He has about three months under his belt, and I was curious how it was going.

“Good—I think…I recently got a bonus,...

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Leadership Requires Self Disciplineā€“Do you have what it takes?? May 18, 2017

Do you have the discipline it takes to be a leader?  It isn’t easy and takes energy every single day to lead. You can’t just call it in—you are setting the example for the...

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Do Your People Feel Like They Belong? Apr 07, 2017

According to Culture Amp, there is one single factor that consistently ties to an employee’s “commitment, motivation, pride, and recommendation—a sense of belonging”. ...

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Time-wasting In Your Workplace? Mar 31, 2017

How do you deal with people who waste a lot of time chit chatting and scanning social media, then complain about being too busy and that they can’t get all their work done?

In a 2016 survey...

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Do You Know Why Your People Are Staying in Their Jobs? Mar 23, 2017

Are your team members satisfied and engaged in their job? What does each one like about what they do? What do they avoid whenever possible? Are they overwhelmed with the amount of work they have,...

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Employee Retention Begins on Day One Mar 16, 2017

Do you remember your first day on the job?

What was it like? Was it structured around meetings, getting your computer password, getting your ID card? Did you get a tour through the facility and...

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Organizational Alignment is the Key Mar 02, 2017

When you go to work every day, what are you focused on?

First, naturally, your people. How are they doing personally? Do they have what they need? Are they on track with their projects? How can you...

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